Changing the Way We Think   Leave a comment

“If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way
you think”.
– Oprah Winfrey

Some folks just really don’t appreciate “positive thinkers.” I know – I’ve heard from some of them after writing my blog posts! LOL!

But that’s okay. I think they assume that people who speak to the value of the power of our thoughts and words to shape our life experience think we are a bunch of fruity Pollyanas.

Actually, the people I know who are currently creating their lives out of their dreams and ambitions have seen their fair – and in some cases seemingly “unfair” – share of hard knocks in life. Tough “breaks” – failures – tragedy.

Whiners cry “foul” and constantly complain about the tide being against them.

Winners take the High Road. It’s NOT about never stumbling or grumbling or falling down. But Winners take what comes in stride and KEEP GOING. They don’t get bogged down. They don’t dwell in the obstacles, they get past them.

Winners practice appreciation. I’ve learned from my business and spiritual mentor and Elder of 25 years, Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha, to look at what the word “appreciation” really means. It means to increase in value. So when we appreciate people, events and experiences in our lives, we invite more to appreciate.

We can get mired in the details or propelled by the overall view and outcome, all of which we determine by our thoughts and perceptions.

I have come to understand that we are not humans learning to be “spirit” while here on earth, but Spirit learning about being Human. We are all extensions of God-Creator-The  Source experiencing Creation through our bodily senses. Sometimes we can go “out-of-body” and re-experience the truth of who and what we are – Spirit. But I think that’s just a helpful reminder for us to not get lost in the physicality of third dimensional existence.

The “day-to-day” details of life can seem to close in on us if we let them. When we’re busy with Mind-Child, we don’t take time to “smell the roses.” Since we’re not really sure those roses exist anywhere else – they’re gifts for us to behold here and now!

“We feel happy when we have good intentions, and it’s a key to our days successes, but much too often all the great intentions get lost in the mind-child’s chatter and pathways* of what some call reality or necessities of living, while we do not catch or see that Creator is with us and talking to us in one thousand beautiful things!! Ahh…Beloveds so much slips away unnoticed….” -Pa’Ris’Ha

*pathways-habitual thinking and beliefs.

It takes repetitive action and vigilance to change the way our perceptions – positive thinking, staying in an attitude of gratitude, but the rewards are worth the effort.

Here’s a practice that has been shared by business coach Parisha Taylor, also known as Grandmother Pa’Ris’Ha:

“Begin your day with a focused moment, sit up as you awaken and think of four things that you feel grateful for, two people you appreciate in your life, and speak aloud good of yourself……

“Say, ‘May my eyes see one thousand beautiful things, and my hands touch one hundred sacred things!’

“Now the brain is in flow with intent. Repeat throughout the day as often as needed in celebration of recognition and having an ‘Aha!’ moment when you did catch the meaningful things of your day!

“Want success? Just count the good things of each day and give grateful acknowledgement that you have allowed it to be part of your day!” – Pa’Ris’Ha


©2011 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved. (NOTE: All original quoted material remains the sole property of the original authors.)

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