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Embracing the Opposition   Leave a comment

“To every thought and action there is re-action – opposition. This brings the experience and outcome. Cause and effect….For every determination and intention there will be a counter determination and intention. Every thought will have an effect and action.” From Grandmother’s Legacy by Pa’Ris’Ha *

The other day I was traveling back from a sales training with a fellow sales rep and we were discussing an apparent “slump” in the activity of our local sales force. He shared his recent discouragement from getting more rejections than normal and that he was letting that holds him back from pursuing more new contacts.

I offered the wisdom of my business coach, whom I have also known as spiritual mentor and Elder for over 25 years, Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor. Coach Taylor often speaks of the using the opposition to gauge the strength of what we have put into motion.

We know, from the laws of physics, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore when we declare a goal, or make a declaration of position, there is a natural response of equal and opposite energy that comes back to us.

Some will see that as a “sign” that they weren’t supposed to proceed, or that they were on the “wrong” course, or that it’s going to be too hard. Coach Pa’Ris’Ha Taylor always used that show of opposition as an indicator of the power and strength of what she had put into motion.

She taught by her example, to welcome and embrace the opposition.

From Quantum Physics we learn that there can be no creation without resistance. “Resistance” can be another term for opposition.

Cold calling isn’t something that comes easy to me necessarily, but it is something I have done well when I’m consistent with it. Many sales people can identify with the “fifty-pound phone” analogy. So can some network marketers. So my “resistance” is to picking up the phone. But unless I pick up the phone and make the calls necessary to make contacts and appointments, I make no money.

In order for me to experience success in sales, or “create” income, I have to move through my resistance and do what I might not find pleasant, but in the end profitable.

If I’ve set a high goal and start experiencing lackluster results – it might just be that “opposition” factor coming into play. The opposition/resistance can come from outside myself or within myself – or be a combination. What I know from my own past experience is that if I allow the resistance to stop me, I don’t reach my goal. If I persevere and press through the resistance, I accomplish what I set out to achieve, and then some.

“You are built not to shrink down to less but to blossom into more”. Oprah Winfrey


*© Copyright 2007 Parisha Online. All Rights Reserved.


©2011 Deborah Adler. All rights reserved. (NOTE: All quotes remain the sole property of the original authors.)

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